Temperance and The Devil Reversed

The week of August 1st 2022 tarot spread.



For those of you who were curious about the recent spread from my Instagram stories here is part 1 (I think I’ll probably break it down in 3 parts over all since that’s how the spread landed – in 3 parts).


I just want to be clear that this is a personal spread that I wanted to break down and share because while there are details that are specific to my life personally, there are some big overarching collective themes here that I thought would be helpful to name and share.





Whenever I see this card, the words “take me to your healer” immediately come to mind.

Perhaps it’s because it’s because when I was learning about tarot, this is the first card I came across in a podcast where they broke it down as just that. It stuck – and fittingly so.

The Devil (reversed).

While The Devil upright represents the ways in which we avoid the deeper thing, reversed, it’s the opportunity for shifting our self soothing patterns into what we are inevitably moving towards – original health, wholeness.

It is no surprise to me that these major arcana cards come one after the other (Temperance, and The Devil respectively).


The Macro / Collective


This piece of the spread is most speaking to the collective planetary energies that are massively shaking shit up this week.

In case you weren’t aware, there are some pretty huge astrological movements happening, and whether you believe in astrology or not, we are interconnected living organisms that are inherently connected to every molecule in the universe – so yeah, we’re gonna feel it.

I’m a mere novice astrologer, so if you’re curious about diving deeper into understanding the energies, I would recommend checking out Chani Nicholas or Francesca Oddie for deeper astro insights and explanations. I’m going to stick with the Akashic Field, biodynamics, and the Tarot here for details and use the astrology as a framework.


North Node in Taurus & South Node in Scorpio.

The obvious mirror here is Temperance representing the North Node and The Devil Reversed representing the South Node.

Astrologically speaking we are on a collective cycle experiencing these energies. For me on a personal level, you could say they are radically amped up because I happen to have this setup in my natal chart.


So what does that mean?


The lunar nodes represent the things we are here to learn – our points of growth. The North, much like the north star, represents our internal soul compass – the places and ways of being that are new to us that we are here to learn and apply.

The South represents the “been there, done that” skills. These are the habits, ways of being that we have already mastered in some way and frankly, this point is our invitation to move onwards from them.

It’s important to steer clear of good/bad thinking here because it’s really not about “getting rid of old habits”, so much is it’s about the awareness of what we’ve already mastered, and the willingness to do it a bit differently, learn something new, and grow.

It’s about options, plasticity, and opportunity.

And growth.

Which is inevitably uncomfortable.

Like those growth spurts as a teen.

Super awkward, but the gangliness gets worked out somehow when we emerge.


Growth how?

Growth where?


Here I’m going to dive from macro to micro and share a bit how this is showing up for me personally.


My natal North Node is in Taurus (which represents the physical – the literal earth, body, money, foundations, security, etc.) and it sits in my 6th house (aka the house of health), representing the area of my life that is my body, my work, and daily life. For me, my own path is deeply marked by exploring and healing my relationship with the physical world, often through my health and my own body.

It is no surprise to me that I came to work as a biodynamic craniosacral therapist and teach embodiment work.

It is my work here on planet earth – literally.

It is also no surprise to me that over the last 3 weeks, I’ve experienced a resurgence of health issues, including my third dance with chronic fatigue syndrome.

More on that in a bit, but now, my South Node.


My natal South Node also sits in Scorpio, mirroring the current astrological weather we are all experiencing right now.

It sits in my 12th house of deep dark shadow work.

Basically, I’m very ok with burning it all down, and starting from the ground up.

I have no fear of the unknown.

I am intimate with my own boogiemen and all of the skeletons in my proverbial closet.

It is no surprise to me that I hold deep space for others in their trauma and unconscious shit.

It’s my mastery.

It’s my comfort zone.


And I’m being asked to try something new.


Having mastered the burn it to the ground Scorpio approach I know so deeply, I’m being asked to do differently.

Taurus is asking me to stay.

Temperance is asking me to be in relationship with creation, rather than diverting to the oh so comfortable place of disintegration.


Themes that are being asked from Temperance:

Harmony, balance, integration.

The perpetual motion of life – the inevitable, surrender to source.

How can I accept?

How can I be in relationship to embodiment?

How can I be in deeper relationship with my bones, my body, my roots, my foundation?

What needs nourishment?

How can I support nourishment?


Themes that are being asked from The Devil Reversed:

Seeing, honouring, and witnessing what’s familiar.

Acceptance and healing of addictive tendencies.

Leaning into the release of our “go-to” beingness.

Is dissolving what is really being asked of me?

How can I sit with and moderate my extremist tendencies?

How can I bring harmony to my own inner dichotomy?

Where do I need to bring more acceptance and nourishment, rather than burn it all down?

When does my inner rebel nourish me and my creative forces?

When does my inner rebel go into battle first and ask questions later?

Where is my energy best being served right now?


Although I’m sharing my own personal inquiries based on how and where I’m experiencing these energies, you could look at what area of your life (which house) your own natal Taurus and Scorpio sit.

This may show up super strong, or very subtly, however, as a collective, this is the door that’s being opened to us right now in a big way.


The adventure continues.


PS – here are a few additional resources I found particularly helpful on the astrology.

Francesca Oddie’s newsletter

Chani’s Guide to August 1st 2022






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