Part 2/3 For August 1st to 11th, 2022.


For Part 1 check out my previous post, “take me to your healer”.



We truly misunderstand this word – this concept.


Often we understand destiny or fate as something that we cannot control.

Things that are out of our hands.

It is either something we need to grasp and control.

Or it is something we are victim to.


Destiny is none of those things.


Like Qi/Chi/Prana, it is rather difficult to put into words because its wisdom speaks another language entirely.

So instead, I’m going to attempt to unravel and unpack destiny by sharing a bit of my own.


The cards:

7 of Wands, Page of Wands Reversed, The Sun Reversed.


The Healing Arts & Embodiment have always been my destiny.

Since I was a child, I learned about Eastern philosophy, naturopathy, diet, disease.

I studied yoga, Shaolin, and was shown the mysteries of the I Ching before my 18th birthday.


Wherever I went and whatever I did, people were eager to share their ancient knowledge with me.

It was like they could recognize something in me that I could not yet see myself.


The strange thing is that it took me more than two decades to see it.

In 2002, when I was thinking about career paths, “healer” was not on the list.


Looking back, all the massage courses, reiki training, books, workshops – over two decades in the making – I finally see it.

Clear as day.

It was there all along.


Destiny is not about helping people.


Destiny is a rather selfish thing, really.

It’s about learning.

It’s about growth.

It’s about deciding to stretch ourselves by some grand adventure I like to call “earth school”.

So it is decided by us, for us.

Just like planning any adventure, we start out thinking “oh, this will be so cool!”.

But we don’t have all of the facts.

How could we?

We do not know what we do not know and the only way to learn here inhabiting a body on earth is to do things.

Experience is often different than what we have imagined.

That’s why we get confused about this whole destiny thing.


A note and caveat: just as I mentioned in Part 1, this spread is a personal reading I did for myself. I will highlight first the collective theme that is relevant to us all, then share how this affects me personally as an example.


The 7 of Wands as a collective represents the planet Uranus, currently challenging us this week with its disruptive energy. Astrologers call the essence of Uranus erratic, disruptive, and revolutionary.

It’s the Inner Rebel.

Inner Rebel energy is important. It is powerful and necessary, but unintegrated, it just causes chaos and drama.

In Part 1 I talked about the bigger collective theme with Temperance and The Devil, The North and South Nodes, opening the doors to an opportunity to see the patterns we know, and the ones we are being asked to move into (the unknown).

These cards are asking us to go a level deeper.


The Page of Wands Reverse here represents those newly forming ideas, inviting us into redirecting our energy into creating (Taurus) vs. what we know to do (Scorpio).


Where this energy shows up in your own personal life will probably differ from mine. The following shows how it personally unfolds for me and my own reflections and inquiries.


The Sun Reversed represents some part of our core essence.

For me, it’s my literal sun sign Libra. What pieces of our core soul expression, our destiny if you will, are being brought to attention?


Part of my own core essence that is being illuminated for me right now is deeper integration with my own inner rebel which is part of the essence of who I am.

How has she shown up in the past? My Inner Rebel has spent most of her time defending my often controversial views and ways of being. She was used to defending herself, and protecting her opinions and right to exist. She knew how to go into battle and stand up for herself. She also knew that people don’t like to have their little worlds disrupted by her big opinions and piercingly honest insights, so she began to be selective in how she spoke and who she spoke to.

She learned that her opinions and huge energy were dangerous and would either isolate her, or put her into a position of being under attack.

So she adapted.

After years of her own healing, integration, and unravelling so much of my own victim conciousness, I now find myself in an unfamiliar land.

In increasing range and stability in my own system, in grounding myself more into my own being, I have found myself in a place where my Inner Rebel doesn’t know what to do with herself and all of that huge energy.

Part of my own destiny isn’t just integrating my Inner Rebel – it’s learning to hold the bigger thing.

The message she carries.

The message I carry.


My destiny isn’t just to be a healer.

The revolutionary thing here is for me to fully embody the frequency of this possibility in my being.

To fully embody my essence, who I am underneath all the performance, layers, and egoic existence.


My embodiment of my essence is my destiny, is the rebellious and disruptive thing.


As I write this, I settle into what I know that is inevitable.


It is like moving with the tide of our own soul, rather than fight our own deeper current of being.