Why, oh why must it be this way?
Before you can read me
You got to learn how to see me
I said

Free your mind
And the rest will follow

~ En Vogue


This is Part 3 of 3 August 1st to 11th 2022.

Part 1 “take me to your healer” is here.

Part 2 “destiny” is here.


Judgement, The King of Pentacles, and the Two of Wands Reversed



Aka limiting beliefs.

Judgement is so much more than simply not being “judgey” towards ourselves and other.

Judgement is the place of the freedom to discern.

There is an invitation to freedom that is showing up for us as a collective.

Where are the places we have held to be “true” that are no longer true.

If we want to live in relationship to freedom, we must be in acceptance of what is.

Acceptance of our reality, in honesty, with spacious capacity, in authentic self responsibility.

This is the freedom we crave.

This is the peace we yearn for.

It is not “out there”.

It is not in your fantasy future self.

It is right here, right now, staring at you in the face in every single thing in your 3D life.


The King of Pentacles.

Speaking of the 3D.

The King of Pentacles represents the energy of Taurus. The fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio who are currently dominating our astrological weather.

I talked about these layers in Part 1 and Part 2 so I will just focus on going one layer deeper here.

We are here to experience the Third Dimension.

The physical world – our body, currency, home, safety, our connection to other humans, the literal earth – is our primary teacher.

We learn through experience, not theory.

The King of Pentacles is asking us for commitment to our own particular relationship to the physical world.


For me personally, my natal moon in Taurus and my natal North Node also in Taurus this is showing up for me in my 6th house of my physical body, my work, my daily routines and rituals.

I am experiencing both a resurgence of chronic fatigue and new layers of being in relationship and health in that.

I have recommitted to my physical biodynamic craniosacral therapy practice and working with physical touch therapy (and teaching others how to do their own physical work).

I’m feeling a deep need to be in service to the biodynamic field through physical touch.

I’m preaching the vital importance of being in relationship to our bodies as if our lives depend on it (because they kinda do, y’all).


I am personally being asked to look at my current relationship to how I’ve been thinking – that online only was the only way to go, and other ideas that are now coming into question for me – The Judgement card.

I’m being shown my energy and how it has been grounding itself through resistance and conflict as a reference point of grounding for most of my life and I’m being given the opportunity to commit to finding a new path to inner stability, grounding, and foundational nourishment.

I’m being called to master my big energy through the structure of my body, my work, and my teachings – The King of Pentacles.


Speaking of energetic mastery.

Enter The Two of Wands Reversed.

First off, I just wanted to note that there has been a lot of Wands energy throughout all 3 parts of this reading and it makes a lot of sense. The suite of wands represents fire, and our fixed signs that have been ruling the astrological weather entering August have been fire signs.

Energetic mastery starts with our inner alignment.

To quote Chani Nicholas:

“Commitment is key, but be clear about what you actually want to commit to and which you feel pressured to conform to.”

It’s an inner game.

If you build your Kingdom from an external reference point, it will always feel off.

It will always take more energy.

It will always take away instead of nourish.


You are here for you.

This is your Great Adventure.

The clarity around your essence is being called to your attention (Parts 1 and 2) and here is your opportunity to build something different – something new to you.

You cannot compare anyone else’s path to yours because it is not yours.

Only you can live out you.


What you create, how you see the world, your perspective, your blind spots, your relationships, everything.

It’s an inside job.

What’s your current relationship to your inner world?

And how much of that is really true?

How much of that is really you?


This is an invitation into the portal.


You are the portal.