take me to your healer

Temperance and The Devil Reversed The week of August 1st 2022 tarot spread.     For those of you who were curious about the recent spread from my Instagram stories here is part 1 (I think I’ll probably break it down in 3 parts over all since that’s how the spread landed – in 3 parts)….

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Mourning My Future Self

The last year and a half have been a sort of unravelling so to speak. The illuminations that have revealed themselves – my truth – have been so starkly honest.   I am eternally grateful that I have the capacity and the self compassion for myself to be able to witness and digest Truth without…

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Living The Tower

Recently I’ve been writing a lot about The Tower card.   That’s because a few weeks ago I was consecutively pulling that card over and over again. I knew in my bones that things would fall apart once more. I thought today I would do a journal style entry of the real time process of…

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Why I Don’t Manage My Anxiety

I have anxiety.   Most people don’t really know this about me. They perceive me as a generally outgoing, extroverted, adventurous woman. They see me as youthful, playful, and fearless.   And while I am many of those things (except extroverted, I am 100% an introvert) I can assure you, I am also human. I…

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An Ode to The Tower

Yesterday I was chatting with my friend Naomi about my past experience with all of the past Tower moments in my life – how I usually embrace and accept them. I hate them just as much as anyone else, but I also accept them – this is what is happening right now. Ok. There is…

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