“You”, she said, looking directly at me, “need to get into your bones“.


And then she looked away and went back to addressing another student’s question.

I hadn’t even asked my question.

I had barely even opened my mouth to speak.


But she knew.


Her acute embodied-ness of her boundaries could see the leaking watery un-contained spillage of my emotions all over my beingness.


From her own groundedness, she could see my lack there of, and promptly reflect it back to me.


You see, our bones are our sense of groundedness.

They keep us rooted and connected to our body.

This connectedness, this groundedness, is what makes our capacity to have range – emotional, spiritual, all – possible.


Rather than asking my original question (which was of course rooted in pain and victim conciousness which is why she was unwilling to accompany me there in my hole of self pity), I asked a different one:


How do I do that?


She answered.

By physically stimulating your relationship to them.

Physically feel your bones.

Tap on the protruding parts.

Receive the vibrations.

Use your fist to “thud” on your long bones.

Let your femurs receive the vibrations.






Many of us are disconnected, dissociated from our bones.

Our bones are our ancestry.

They connect us to the root of our animal being.

The remind us we are mineral, dirt, creature.


We often associate bone with this kind of dried, hardened state.


Like an overcooked chicken bone – brittle, something inconvenient.


But bones are not hard.

They are not brittle.

And contrary to popular statement by the medical profession, they do not “grind” onto each other (a term often used for “bone on bone” situations).


Bones are soft.

They are supple and spongy.


They are very much dense.

But they are more like a really really extra firm jell-o, rather than a twig you could snap in half.

Live bone is living.

It is a living and breathing (yes, breathing) being, like tree roots slowly moving underground.

They both give us structure, by our relationship to gravity (fun fact: your bones get less and less dense in zero gravity – we literally require the earth and its gravitational pull for bone development) and nourishment through the vital life force essence of our marrow.


Bones are magical.

And yet, so very much practical.

We need to be in relationship to our bones.


It’s essential.


I was not the only one floating around (literally) as a watery bag of tissues, leaking my emotional state into and onto anyone and anything that met me along the path.

When we are not in relationship to our groundedness, we are not able to be emotionally intelligent or responsible.


The capacity to ground is directly in relationship to our capacity to move energy, transform, and work with our emotional, mental, and spiritual energies.


We cannot build a house on air.

It must have a foundation.

Our bones are that quality.


Our bones represent the link between ether and manifest.

Idea into reality.

Concept into creation.


Being in healthy, real time relationship to our bones is literally essential to manifest, create.


Recently, I’ve been noticing my nervous system particularly fried.

There’s the collective and astral stuff, and also my own very real worries about my own health, my financial situation, my work, and business.

I could feel the rawness of it all in my system.

The insomnia, the increased sensitivity, and my overall decrease in the huge range I normally have in my nervous system.

I could feel the urge to contain, to quiet down.


Noticing this, I could also hear my intuition leading me back to my bones.

The mountains to my ocean.

The earth to my water.


Back to basics.

Back to the primordial waters of my bones.