I’ve pulled the Wheel of Fortune twice this week and so I thought today is a good day to break it down.

Light Seer’s Tarot






When we like the results, this is what we call it.



Bad luck.



When we don’t like the results, this is what we call it.


It’s actually all the same.

The only difference is our preference.


Whether or not fall victim to our beliefs around it.


I’ll admit that the concept of fate and destiny is something I’ve felt victimized by.

I hate the idea that some “great spirit in the sky” is somehow deciding things for me.

It goes against everything I value and believe in – autonomy, sovereignty, freedom.

However, at the same time I am well aware that I cannot control other people nor can I control many circumstances. What I can control is how I chose to relate to them.

It is at this choice point that The Wheel of Fortune comes in.

Contrary to popular teaching around karma, and all that “we chose this on a soul level” bullshit, The Wheel of Fortune actually shows us how the world really works.

It’s not meant to be perfect nor perfected. It’s not meant to be a tidy ball of fate in our control this whole time.


I think for me the internal struggle around “fate” and “destiny” is an inherent contradiction in how Earth School actually works, and what really is sovereignty embodied. In other words, why would we ourselves “chose” bad shit to happen at a soul level? That would mean we are responsible for the actions and behaviours of others that we actually cannot control.

For example, would you ever chose to be sexually abused as a child?


And if your answer is that this is somehow a karmic blessing, you seriously need to check in, because that is fucked up.

On all levels – it’s not ok.

It’s fucked up. Period.

Now I’m not saying that we cannot come out of our traumas as stronger, more resilient human beings – we obviously were built as resilient fucking miracles, so obviously, trauma in no way makes us damaged goods, however, I’m also saying that no one would ever chose that – even at a soul level.

And, more importantly that it is never ok to abuse a child.


Do not get that confused with soul growth.


Part of understanding The Wheel of Fortune is understanding that in this world and in this life, a lot of experiences happen – and a lot of those experiences are not in control. The part of the deal we did agree upon was coming to this crazy place where that kind of shit is possible – that is a decision we are responsible for at a soul level.


I think for me this is a really important differentiation and understanding what is our part and what is our responsibility.

Because here’s another fact: our destiny is in our own hands.

Yes, our souls have made certain decisions (all be it, not knowing the whole story of what it’s like in Earth School) about having certain experiences – this is what I refer to as “fate” or “destiny”.

It is not some predetermined “plan” set out by some mystery being in the sky.

It is your own soul – YOU, it’s YOU – making some decisions, then embodying these choices through a myriad of experiences and adventures on Earth.

That’s why there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to live our lives. It’s all about the experience.


The true lesson in The Wheel of Fortune is seeing where our choice points are – these are the places where we have agency. These are the places we need to take responsibility for ourselves.

For example, my spread this morning, the 10 of Swords reversed paired with The Wheel (also a 10 card in the major arcana), signified the ending of cycles. My choice is to be able to see the endings that are here and I can either fully ride the ride of ending or cling onto the shit that is trying to move through me.

Either way, my ride, my choice.

Clearly for me, surrendering and being an active participant in the endings will leave me feeling empowered. It will give me the opportunity to take responsibility in my part in the whole. If I cling (which is a totally valid response as well), I won’t actually stop what’s out of my control from happening, and I will feel victimized because somehow I believed I had the power to stop it. It will feel like a failure, rather than empowerment.


Either way, my ride, my choice.

There is no “wrong” answer.