I am at the beginning of day 2 of a 4 day personal retreat.

The main presenter has gathered several of the mentees that have been working with her over the last year to gift their sacred gifts and medicine as the retreat offering.

I have been following the main presenter/teacher for some time, taking what resonates and leaving what doesn’t, and respecting the whole and what she stands for in this world – an embodiment of whole feminine force, where we have few living, embodied examples to reference to.


I am enjoying the sessions so far, diving deeper into my essence and enjoying the ride of my own field, and as I participate, there is something that at first rubs me the wrong way, then opens up a whole pandora’s box of curiosity.




If you are familiar with the spiritual world, you are probably familiar with this concept of energetic attunement.

The basic idea is often something like “our soul energy has somehow gotten sullied by our life traumas and experiences and we have to come back into alignment”. Kind of like a fine musical instrument goes out of tune, we apparently go in and out of our own harmonics.


At this point in my own embodied experience, my own path, and what I understand to be a core truth, this isn’t possible.

It isn’t possible to need attunement because it isn’t possible to “get out of tune”. This is something I know to be true based on simple soul intelligence. If I am to trust my soul essence, my resonance, my own truth, I also must trust that it is 100% worthy of my absolute confidence because it is life force conciousness expressed in the unique embodiment that is me (that PS, I also wove into existence through a fascinating embryological process, but that’s for another day).


So if my essence is essentially perfect, why would it need “tuning”?

I sat with this question. I sat and I sat some more.

I sat with my own experiences and my own soul intelligence and wondered, “what exactly is attunement?”

You see, I’ve participated with being “attuned” several times – always with a trusted and aligned practitioner (and by that I mean, my own body, system, and energy was a whole 100% YES to the teacher and to the attunements). My experience was not that of being misaligned and needing realignment. It was more an experiencing of a different information – kind of like reading an energetic book.

Each example from my own experience involved some kind of energetic informational transmission – 3 separate attunements over 3 years in my Advanced Reiki mentorship, the self attunement and healing process of connecting to my own Akashic Records and the field of the Records.

In each instance, my experience was more of an informational receiving, rather than a “fixing” of my own energetic field.


However I feel like there is some confusion around attunement in the general spiritual practitioner community.


From my understanding, many of the practitioners believe that if they have consent, that they may go in and “fix, heal, or repair” supposed “damage” to my soul energy/field.

I have a fundamental issue with that.


Just because you have consent, does not mean you can disrespect the inherent intelligence of the soul.

Furthermore, this whole “clear, and rewrite the story” of our energetic past implies that there is something wrong with our past experiences, rather than focus on the present and current capacity and intelligent expression that is always available to us – despite any past experiences (physical or soul level).


If we are not made broken by our past traumas, why are we focusing on repairing the past? And better yet, the energetic/Akashic past? It makes no sense!


If we can refocus our energies on connecting to our own soul essence – essentially our gateway to all of the cosmic forces of all – we would connect to the knowing that we are in perfection constantly. We can access what Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen refers to as the cosmic conciousness beneath all of our past patterns of experience.

We have access to those layers beyond our traumas – always. It is part of our make up.

It is who we are.