Relationship Epiphany.


I want to be with one who knows how to be with a Wild Bird.

One who can sit with Wildness

Not needing to tame it.

Not needing to power over.

Or take by trickery

Or coercion.


I want One who knows deep embodied reverence for the Wild spirit of life itself.


There are two distinct types of people.

Those who needs and wants depend on and those who live in the reverence of satisfaction.


Those who need are focused, hungry.

They feed and consume.


Wanting is always just a little out of reach.

They act in terms of acquisition.


Satisfaction and reverence take on an entirely different quality.

There is a spaciousness.

There is room for the Wild to emerge, nourishing all who are present.

Leaning into the deep well of patience

Allows space for unfolding

Room for unfurling.


To be fully present in Wildness doesn’t require patience.

It demands it.


Language here in the land of no words is simple


Response is immediate



Wild birds cannot be manipulated.

They act from agency.



To fly.

Stretch their wings.



Find their prey.


To respect Nature at her very core is to protect and honour Wildness.

It is Nourishment

Creation of all.

Great Mystery.


For the One(s) who recognize this Wild gift

Protect her, nourish her, hold her

You are needed here.

Your service is a gift to Her.


The splendour of her flight

Glint of the sun on her golden wings.